Getting Lost in Winnipeg

I recently flew out of Winnipeg to Ontario. My friend and I decided to go in the night before and stay at a friends house for the night. Needless to say, we had a crazy time, without intending it to be. We got lost. We had Thai food. We met Confusion Corner. We got lost again. Oh, and again. Oh yeah, and we almost got in a car crash (summer tires…) And you know, we experienced that city vibrancy that we’ve been missing. Here is a photo document of that night.

First, we hung out downtown for a little.

I loved that there were snow sculptures all around the city!

So after hanging out downtown, we were on our way. We accidentally ended up at the Forks. It wasn’t even intentional! I had never been there, and even though there was no one there and it was dark and snowy, I could tell that this place is awesome! And I found some Ontario type things while there…so I couldn’t resist…

Okay, then we got lost again. We went looking for our friends place…and we ended up on the other side of town. However, the great thing about getting lost was finding a street sign that bore my last name!

We FINALLY made it to our friends place, and of course, her place just happens to have an elevator. In the house. This is not an apartment building. Proof below.

Needless to say, our evening in Winnipeg was full of fun and adventure – most of it being unintentional! I can’t wait to get back to the city. Many more adventures to be had!

3 thoughts on “Getting Lost in Winnipeg

  1. hi, i’m from Winnipeg and was looking for fun things to do here. Somehow or other your web age came up. It’s great to see Winnipeg from a non-natives eyes!!

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